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Webinar Cineforum: When the fiction becomes reality 

Following the success of the first edition of the Cineforum webinar: When reality enters the fiction, the second edition is now underway: When fiction becomes reality.

Cinema can seek to reflect reality, especially when movies reproduce real elements, such as products and trade marks. Have you ever noticed the appearance of trade marks and the way they are integrated into cinema? Do you know how cinema deals with IP? Can you recognise whether the trade mark is real or fictional?

With examples such as Forrest Gump, The Simpsons, SpongeBob SquarePants, etc. the second edition of the Webinar Cineforum will take a further in-depth look at fictional trade marks, in particular:

  • creating fictional trade marks or products to build a coherent universe in a filmmaker's work;
  • using the same fictional trade marks in different cinematographic      works;
  • and commercialising a fictional trade mark in real life.

If you would like to learn more on IP in cinema and specifically about how trade marks are involved in films, then this Cineforum webinar is for you.

Yann Basire, CEIPI
Simon Riaux, Cinema Expert
Mathilde Peninque - Institutional and Cooperation Department, EUIPO - Moderator

Tuesday 09 July

10:00 - 11:30 CEST

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